
Fast delivery of ordered items is crucial to the CSLS’ success. Thanks to rapid processing of orders and a well-organised courier system, ordered books arrive at their destinations within a short space of time.


Library users can order items in the libraries’ individual holdings at any time. The CSLS currently processes around 600 item orders and 50 scans per day. Library users order desired items via a login in their library’s catalogue. The catalogue sends the order to the warehouse management system (WMS) of the CSLS. The corresponding container automatically arrives at a picking station in approx. 6 minutes, where the logistician removes the item and prepares it for dispatch to the library or user.

Facts and Figures


item orders are currently processed by the CSLS per day.

6 min. –

the time it takes for an ordered item to travel from the warehouse to the picking workstation.


cranes and the central conveyor belt system ensure fast, gentle, correct transport in and out of the storage facility.


The CSLS aims to make ordered items available for courier delivery as quickly as possible. Items reach their order destination within a maximum of 48 hours.


SLSP courier

The SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform) courier service autonomously collects deliveries during the night, delivering them to the ordering libraries within approx. 24 – 48 hours.


ZHB courier

The in-house courier service of the Central and University Library (ZHB) Lucerne makes deliveries to the library twice a day. Items which are ordered by 16.00 arrive at the library at 12.00 the following day; items ordered by 11.00 are available for collection from 17.00 onwards. In addition to this, the ZHB courier makes deliveries on Saturdays – correspondingly ordered items are available for collection at 13.00 on Saturday.


Postal mail

Other physical deliveries are made by Swiss Post.